Kids on the Hill is a community based organization offering young people support, quality programs and an opportunity to make change in their community through an experiential education approach to learning about social issues, art action projects and civic engagement.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kids and Cops

Kids and Cops is a youth created documentary about the tension between the two groups. This video explores stereotypes, misinformation, harassment and youthful disrespect of authority and how these things perpetuate the tension. Through a series of interviews with police and youth, solutions to the tension are explored. The message underlying the video is that the state of young people and policing today is very different then in previous generations. Today there are not as many support systems in communities so youth are more left to their own devices while police are given the impossible job of stopping crime in communities that lack infrastructure. Given the sate of affairs, restoring a sense of community will only happen through relationship building.

The DVD can be purchased at Kids on The Hill.


The DVD can be purchased at Kids on The Hill

Black Out

The DVD can be purchased at Kids on The Hill

Black Out II

The DVD can be purchased at Kids on The Hill.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Black Panther Party Ten Point Program

The Black Panther Party Ten Point Program is a short video that describes the platform of the movement through animation and a dynamic audio track of panthers delivering speeches. The video uses simple cut out images from newspapers to illustrate each point. Through the video it is evident that despite the violent image of the panthers that the media portrayed that what they really stood for was about equality.

The DVD can be purchased at Kids on The Hill.

The Children of Birmingham

The Children of Birmingham video is an animation that describes the powerful role young people had in changing the laws of segregation in Birmingham Alabama. Images made by young people ages 10-14. Story based on a book called Parting the Waters by Taylor Branch and through studying historic photographs.

The DVD can be purchased at Kids on The Hill.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Streets Calling

The Streets Calling video is a thorough discussion of the role of drugs in inner city communities. It outlines the challenges teens face in fighting the lure of the streets, the impact on the community, the root causes for the problem and strategies for improvement. This teen created work features interviews with a police officer, a drug dealer, a federal prosecutor, Baltimore City health commissioner and city council president.

The DVD can be purchased at Kids on The Hill.